


One of our company's levers is sustainability. It is part of how we act to achieve our goal. We think, talk, design, and build a future for mining and the planet together, while also taking care of the present.

Synergy from a system for responsible ESG management.

Deep Cultural Integration and Effective Team Execution.

Cohesion - Company and Employee Code

Integrity, diligence, collaboration

We are building our ESG system on international standards and are committed to developing green, eco-friendly mines to high standards. Our mission is "Mining for a Better Society," and we live by the values of "Harmony Brings Wealth" and "Balanced Development of the Company, its Employees, and the broader Society."

Responsible Supply Chain

Mining and trading of mineral resources generate revenue, resulting in socioeconomic development and community prosperity, and they promote mutually beneficial relationships among communities, companies or supply chain partners, and individuals. We prioritize responsible supply chain management and require suppliers to conduct business responsibly as a condition of doing business with us.

We behave ethically and respect each other and the customs, cultures and laws wherever we operate.


We create an inclusive environment where employees have the opportunity to contribute, develop and work together to deliver our strategy